Toast to Canada and the #150LoveLetters Writers
This collection is dedicated to Canada. We love you Canada and are proud to be citizens of such a blessed, welcoming and distinguished nation. Here’s to You Canada!
Here’s to You Writers and Recipients of the #150LoveLetters.
We want to thank God for inspiring all of us with love so that this book could come to life as our collective legacy to Canada.
We also want to thank all the amazing authors, the Love Letters Writers, who made this project a success. You said “Yes!” when you were called upon to make a difference. We would not have been able to write this book without the loving and generous contribution of the Love Letters writers.
Love is not simply a feeling.
It is a decision to be made every day and that life asks us to confirm every time we meet other people and during every single conversation we step into. Love is not so complex that it becomes unreachable, because it manifests in the simplicity of actions and spoken words, which let others know that they are important to us. We may speak of love for sure, but it is better to live it daily by showing people how much you love them in addition to telling them.
So, we invite you to continue to show people in your life – including yourself – how much you want them to be in your life, and to write it to them as often as you can.
In the meantime, stay blessed.
With love, appreciation and gratitude. Here’s to all of you!
- Aichatou Touré
- Alain Faubert
- Alexis Konan
- Alioune Kane
- Alisson Minga
- André B.
- Anita Kane
- Annie-Josiane Sessou
- Aminata Cissé
- Arminda Serpa
- Bea Rauch
- Béatrice Tagro
- Bertillia Christian
- Cécile Gauthier
- Christina Maluma
- Conor Martin
- Damaris Dubourg
- Dan Vivian
- Dany Christian Guardado
- Denise Lacerte
- Diva Etienne
- Don Osborne
- Eira Jones
- Evelyne Fortran
- Éric Sun
- Fleur de mai Courchesnes
- Francesca G.
- François-Xavier Simard
- Gabriella H.
- Gaëlle Bekolo
- Georges John
- Gilles G.
- Guerda Chervin
- Hervé Somé
- Helena Lalonde
- Jacquie Knight
- Jocelyne Bourdon Sarrazin
- Joelle Masha
- Jon Paquet
- Kaleigh J. Martin
- Karine Bassette (Mlle Parker)
- Karen Ball
- Lucie Caron
- Lorena Martin
- Marie Claude Sangaret
- Marie-Léontine Tsibinda
- Marie Paule
- Mariama Koné
- Mélinda Oba
- Michel Boucher
- Nabou Diagne
- Nael Kane
- Naomi Bambara
- Natacha Paul
- NormaLee Nelson
- Olivier Bédard
- Olga Benczyk
- Paula Alphonse
- Pierreline Jean
- Positive Brittany
- Racine Kane
- Regina Thompson
- Rose Parsoo
- Rosie Jeon
- Roxanne Affinito
- Ruth Vaudreuil
- Serge Cham
- Salvador Barrios
- Sally Gabbour
- Silvia Irina Marshall
- Sylvia O. Senior
- Tatiana Nolent
- Valérie Masumbuko
- Vanille Française
- Yaëlle Dubois
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